Binder Documentation#

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Binder allows you to create custom computing environments that can be shared and used by many remote users.

Get started

Our getting started section helps you create and launch your first repository on

Get started with Binder
Learn more

Our how-to guides have a collection of snippets and a short overview of useful ways to use Binder.

How-to Guides
Support Binder

The Binder Project is a non-profit project built, led, and supported by an open community. Click here for some ideas on how to support the project.

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Supporting organizations

What is Binder?#

A Binder service is powered by BinderHub, an open-source tool that runs on Kubernetes. One such deployment lives at, and is free to use.

Other documentation in the Binder ecosystem

This documentation is for creators of Binder repositories, and those who wish to use and learn more about the service at You may be interested in the following other documentation sites:

πŸ‘‰ the BinderHub documentation

Has information about deploying your own BinderHub in the cloud. It is meant for people that wish to replicate the service at a different location for their community.

πŸ‘‰ the site-reliability guide

Has information for the team running, including dev-ops best-practices and tips for running the BinderHubs behind

πŸ‘‰ the JupyterHub team compass docs

Has team information, practices, and guides for the JupyterHub community. This is also a great resource if you’re looking for ways to get involved!

Get started#

To learn more about Binder, check out our tutorials, which will help you get started and learn more about sharing reproducible environments with Binder.

How-To guides and Tutorials#

The following sections discuss some more in-depth topics on preparing and sharing your Binder repository. How-To guides are shorter, actionable patterns that accomplish something specific. Tutorials are more high-level and thorough, and often cover more conceptual topics.

Reference information about Binder#

Information about

Information about using and running the Binder service at

See the Binder Examples GitHub organization for more Binder repositories demonstrating its functionality.

Cite Binder#

For information on how to cite Binder, see Cite Binder.