# Supporting organizations Binder relies on the generosity of volunteers and organizations to support our open source tools and our open service at mybinder.org. This page lists organizations that provide financial or cloud credit support for the project. For a list of individual team members and their organizations, see [](team.md). (support:major-supporters)= ## Financial supporters Organizations that provide significant financial resources or credits for any hubs in the mybinder.org federation ("significant" is defined as anything greater than $10,000 annually). ```{include} ../_data/snippets/supporters_financial_md.txt ``` (support:credit-supporters)= ## Cloud credit supporters Organizations that provide cloud credits that power the infrastructure behind mybinder.org. ```{include} ../_data/snippets/supporters_credits_md.txt ``` ## Previous grants and major support - In 2017 the Binder Project received [a 1-year grant from the Moore Foundation](https://figshare.com/s/e9d0ad7bdc4e405cccfa).